
ARTEMIS Brokerage Event, 17-18 January 2012, Prague

Build Quality Consortia for ARTEMIS projects

The Brokerage Event is a great place to expand your network. Over 250 participants are expected to gather and share their knowledge and build consortia for the ARTEMIS JU Call 2012. The field of Embedded Systems is very wide, therefore we refer to the ARTEMIS Sub-Programmes and Research Domains as described in the Draft Annual Working programme 2012 for the ARTEMIS Call 2012, to focus onto a few key topics, technical and or in market expertise. It is important to focus on technologies and other in-house know-how, to develop further or focus on services you can offer and what realistically can be expected to go to market in between 2 to 5 years.

How to make the best out of the ARTEMIS Brokerage Event?

The ARTEMIS Brokerage for Call 2012 follows a different format. This year we introduce a three step approach to improve the availability and access to project idea information, to maximise the opportunities for consortia building. Before the Brokerage, we invite all participants to make their project ideas known through a new web tool: ARTEMIS Project Idea Tool (a poster will be automatically generated via this tool).

How can I best present myself as a partner for an ARTEMIS project?

ARTEMIS has some suggestions on how to prepare yourself to get the best out of this Brokerage Event and has summarised some hints how you can best present yourself as a partner for an ARTEMIS project.

ARTEMIS Project Idea Tool

Consortia that have uploaded their idea in the ARTEMIS Project Idea Tool will get the opportunity to:

  1. Present their idea in the plenary session in a short project pitch (3 min) to promote their poster
  2. Get poster space to further generate interest during the poster session (after project pitches).
  3. Get a reserved meeting space during the break-out session (tables).

Adding your project idea onto the ARTEMIS Project Idea Tool is a good way of getting in touch with the right research partners!

NOTE: Presentation time-slots will only be given to consortia that have at least one industrial partner.

IMPORTANT: Participants do not sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).Confidentiality is your own responsibility.

Brokerage 2012